How do I install Microsoft Office as Staff/Faculty member on my personal computer?

Please read the following recommended instructions to help you successfully install Microsoft Office Suite on your laptop/desktop computer.

  • The use of this software is made available by Microsoft. PTC does not support the end user in the installation or use.
  • BEFORE YOU BEGIN. Read the provided information below that you must agree to in order to maintain your installation.

Microsoft Office

Campus Agreement Staff and Faculty Acceptance Form

This acceptance form is valid for the Microsoft products listed below, which shall be referred to collectively herein as the “software”. Software is made available to you because PTC has purchased temporary licenses for the software through a Microsoft campus agreement. PTC is extending to you the right to use the software on a personally-owned computer or an institution-owned computer designated for your exclusive use. You do not own the license or the applications, rather you are authorized to use the software and associated media pursuant to the terms and conditions of the license(s) granted to PTC for the term of PTC's enrollment in the campus agreement. You will be required to remove the software from your personal machine immediately upon the earlier of (a) any event, which causes you no longer to be a student of the institution or (b) expiration of the campus agreement licensed period.

You are granted the right to use the Microsoft Office 365 software per the standard Microsoft license agreement and the following:

  • I will read and abide by the license(s) associated with this Software.
  • I understand that no technical support is provided by PTC.
  • I understand the minimum specifications to run the Software as listed.
  • I understand that I will be required to remove the Software from my personal machine immediately upon the earlier of (a) any event, which causes me to no longer to be a staff or faculty member of the institution or (b) expiration of the Campus Subscription Enrollment licensed period.
  • I understand that if PTC does not renew the campus agreement, then I must delete or remove the software licensed to PTC from my computer at the time the enrollment expires or is terminated.

1) Simply visit

2) Click “Sign in” and enter your PTC Email address at the Microsoft Sign in window.

3) Choose that you have a “Work or school account”.

4) At the next “Sign in” window, enter in your PTC credentials.

5) Once logged in, click “Install Office” in the top right of the page and select “Office 365 apps”.

6) Follow the instructions in the popup window. It shows you opening the “Setup” file that was downloaded for office to start the install.

7) Once Office is installed, find one the Office apps under the Windows “Start” menu and open it.

8) Sign in with your PTC credentials to activate your copy of Microsoft Office 365.