D2L Grade Export, SIS Grade Import

Exporting Grades From D2L_Importing Grade into SIS.doc

  1. Watch how to complete a D2L Grade Export / SIS gradebook Import.
  2. While having D2L open and being in a gradebook when you want to export grades from D2L you will need to press the “Export” button.
  3. Before choosing the Grade Items you want to import into SIS, you need to ensure that you are changing the Key Field from “Org Defined ID” to “Username. Also ensure that under User Details you have both Last Name, and First name selected. No other fields are needed.cid:image003.png@01D8A017.07DB3C90
  4. After you select which grades you want to import, or if you want all just scroll down and press the “Export to CSV” button.
  5. Now you will want to navigate to SIS and the individual gradebook you will be importing the grades into.
  6. You will want to press the corresponding “D2L Import” button on the individual grade sheet.
  7. You will then will choose the CSV file from where you saved it too, and press “Import”
  8. After pressing import you will be able to choose which Grades you want to import, whether or not they are used, the due date, what type of grade sheet item it is, and the max point amount.
  9. After selecting the gradebook items, you will press “Import Gradebook” and any item you checked to import will be added to your gradebook and any student grades in the CSV will be filled in.