How do I find my virtual class or other Teams Meeting Attendance report or Recording?

We use Teams Meetings to meet the majority of our virtual meeting session needs. Whether it is for virtual class, a virtual department meeting, or a virtual planning session, a report is generated for attendance for every Teams session.

Virtual Class Group Session Attendance

Even as a non-attendance taking institution, it still may be important to know who attended a specific virtual class session for follow-up or support. If you have set up a Microsoft Team from within Brightspace for your fully online (ONL) or hybrid class, an Attendance report will show in the Posts tab after each session. Click to download, then open from Downloads folder.

(Related Article: How do I add my virtual class sessions with Microsoft Teams?)

Find a recording

  1. Select Files > select Recordings 
  2. A new recording will populate into this folder after each session.
  3. Select the recording from the list that you want to watch.
    • Use the “Modified” detail to verify the date of the recording.

Other PTC-related Teams Meeting Session Attendance

Regardless of whether you initiated the Teams Meeting session from Outlook, Teams, or if it was autogenerated, the easiest way to find the Attendance report is to:

  • Open the Teams application
  • Go to the Calendar in the left menu
  • Double click on the calendar Event that included a Teams Meeting session
  • FOR ATTENDANCE: Go to the Chat tab
  • Click the Download arrow, then open (will go to your Downloads folder)
  • FOR RECORDING: Go to Teams Calendar > select the session > Files